Sunday, September 16, 2012

Power Point over Sewing Patterns Rant

My 7th grade daughter has the option of taking three technology classes in middle school -- keyboarding, computer programs and advanced programs/website creation.  However, the school has also eliminated any life skills that we used to call home economics.  So, it's possible that these kids will be able to build a website (although why you need 3 classes to get to that stage, I'm not sure) but all their meals will be microwave burritos and they can't sew on a button.  More and more, I see kids and adults that really are only capable of living and interacting in the virtual world.  They know nothing about the real world around them.  A few years ago standing next to a row of tomato plants a young adult neighbor asked me what kind of plants they were.  Tomatoes for goodness sake! 
I spend plenty of time "keyboarding" but I am glad that I do know how to interact with the real world too.  I guess it will be up to me to teach my children life skills after they have wasted their time in technology class during school hours. 
I'm going to turn off the computer now and go can peaches.


  1. YES! Today Hannah is going to learn how to sew...her ribbons on her point shoes :)

  2. Cool. Simone can do that too. Hannah will also have to learn to whip stitch the edges around the bottom. Funny, first they sell you a $70 pair of papier mache shoes then you have to add your own ribbons and elastic, cut off the bottom satin and sew up the sides. Seems like there is something wrong here!
